Quote Today

    If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be bad, it doesn't. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.
    - Oscar Wilde

    Monday, August 31, 2009

    Benci? Tak, aku marah je... Share

    Kawan malaysia ku tanya, "Knapa diorang benci sgt kat you?"

    Aku jawab, "Ntah ah..barangkali pasal aku kritik diorang tym atu."
    "Durang nda dpt nerima kli, wlupun durng ckp durang welkom kritikan."
    "Tau tau, durng marah, trus benci lah."
    "MUNGKIN lah."

    Kawan ku kata, "Habis, you dlu kena kritik apamacam benda, you tak marah?"
    "Tak benci?"

    Aku kata, "Memang aku marah, sapa nda marah."
    "Tapi aku nda benci. Durang tetap kawan-kawanku."
    "Sukati dia lah kn kritik - barangkali dh stail nya catu."

    Kawan ku tanya,"Cemana you tau?" You reti nak nilai org ke?"

    Aku jawab,"Aku bukan org seni, bkn jugak pakar sociologist."
    "Tapi aku pandai jua menilai. Sapa2 ja pun pandai."
    "Dh jadi lumrah sifat manusia - menilai orang nda dpt lari dri sifat sendiri."
    "MUNGKIN lah."

    Kawan ku kata,"You nak kritik, you bagi nasihat lh jugak."

    Aku kata,"Klau aku kritik, aku kritik sja."
    "Ikut expectation aku lh."
    "Klau kn nasihat kan, bukan aku reti sangat psl hal atu."
    "Nanti orang ucap CAKAP TAK SERUPA BIKIN."

    Aku tambah lagi,"Lgipun, durng bkn jenis mau ndengar nasihat orang lain."
    "Yang salah, durng nda ngakun. Yang betul, durng heboh kn tlebih."
    "Klau aku nasihat, dok pintu telinga di kepit."
    "Durng kata, AKU NI APA TAU."
    "MUNGKIN lah."

    Kawan malaysia ku jawab, "Oooohhhh..."

    Aku jawab, "MUNGKIN lah. AKU NI APA TAU."


    Wednesday, August 26, 2009

    Proud to be a Photoshop-Freak Share

    I've been getting questions why I like Photoshop so much. The reactions were mixed - many liked what I did and then there's a handful who thinks Photoshop are for people who can't produce beautiful pictures with a shutter-click.

    It's either that, or they're just Photoshop-dumb to begin with.

    A Greek architecture in one of London's museum - I darkened the surroundings and gave the colors on the structure a feel of Roman mystique and glow. Without editing, the picture couldn't (I believe) be dramatic as it should be.

    Monday, August 24, 2009

    Smattering On About Nothing Important Share

    Oh you don't say?

    Why didn't you say so in the first place? We could have saved a millenium-old age of international disputes and blatant disrespect that have inflicted the human race.

    Oh wait...

    I Am Lemon - Feature Blog Share

    I'm feeling a little generous today. I'd like to share my space here to feature a blog that I frequently read, sometimes to get a sort of a jolt, for us people who think we're ALL THAT, needs once in a while.

    Farid Azlan Ghani's blog I Am Lemon is an outlet of life's anecdotes, particularly his, through the experiences of the realities in life. Perhaps, if he had one thing to say what his posts were all about, it would be the fact that we're humans and we're all hypocrites because we're all here for the very same reasons. But this, I only assume.. =D

    Saturday, August 22, 2009

    A Face-Lift or A Face-Down? Share

    You might have noticed a change in design. You might not.

    Monday, August 10, 2009

    On Becoming Silent on Things That DOESN"T Matter Share

    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."
    - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    I had only one thing in mind when I started blogging - to voice out things that matter to me. That my flair for writing would only be reserved for things that I believe makes an impact in my life and perhaps unto others who would spare a moment of their time to read it. And that my blog would only represent it as only words that decorate the meanings of what mattered to me.

    But 55 posts and dozens CSS changes later, my blog is the epitome of classic human insatisfaction and above all, trivial-ness.

    Not Following You Share

    Do you see me trying to emulate you?



    End of Story.

    Thursday, August 6, 2009

    Freed American Journalists - A Source of Happiness Share

    CNN's breaking news last night at around 9PM moved me to tears as Laura Ling and Euna Lee reunites with their families in a full-news-coverage, tear-filled airport reunion that was "a source of happiness" (Obama, as cited by Klustout via Twitter) for the nation and perhaps, even the world.

    News sources and photos courtesy of the NYDailyNews.com
    © 2009 Daily News, and Kristie Lu Stout's twitter.

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